Mind, Body and Screen
Keiken & Sakeema Crook

The full microsite including performance documentation to view through an augmented reality filter is accessible here.
On the microsite, you will be able to watch a performance as well as access a filter by scanning the QR code visible on the site, or alternatively via this link. You are invited to view the performance on the screen through the AR Instagram filter, using the back-facing camera. You can also use the front-facing camera to try the character on yourself. Please make sure you have an up-to-date version of Instagram downloaded on your smartphone. If you would like to share videos or photos please tag: @sakeemathecrook @_keiken_ @blockuniverse
Mind, Body and Screen
Mind, Body and Screen explores the interplay between Keiken and Sakeema’s collaboration in the project Feel My Metaverse (Keiken and George Jasper Stone) via a performance with augmented reality (AR), 3D avatars and conversation released via their website here.
This will be a revival of the AR performance of the same title, originally presented at Jerwood Arts in October 2019. Via the website the audience will be able to watch the performance through an Instagram filter, which augments the CGI character of Pando, from the film Feel My Metaverse, onto Crook’s body. The performance, choreographed by Sakeema, is powerfully intimate, exploring the inner, outer and other and crossing the realms of the virtual, digital, future and contemporary.
On the website, the audience can explore Sakeema’s CGI characters from the present, future and post-human self. There will also be a recorded conversation between Sakeema and Keiken discussing Sakeema’s dance practice, their interconnected collaborative process and the character Pando.
In the film, Crook played the protagonist Pando, named after an 80,000 year old clonal colony of Aspen trees with a shared root system, thought to be the largest living organism on earth. Pando is latin for ‘I spread out’. As part of their collaboration, Sakeema’s dance practice informed the development of the character Pando, and thus it was important to present a physical performance to highlight Sakeema’s dance practice, Mind, Body and Screen at Jerwood Arts. Feel My Metaverse is set in a speculative future where the earth is rendered uninhabitable due to the climate crisis and humans are required to live in a metaverse of virtual worlds. It also explores technology as an emancipatory tool, deconstructing physical limitations through sensory understanding and fluidity.
The online version of Mind, Body and Screen, including a microsite, performance documentation to view through an augmented reality filter, and an interview between Keiken and Sakeema Crook, was commissioned by Block Universe on the occasion of Sessions.
Mind, Body and Screen was initially developed as part of Keiken and George Jasper Stone’s commission for Jerwood Collaborate! and supported by Jerwood Arts.
Garments by Agf HYDRA ( HYDRA Sartorial Latex uniform offsprings )
Soundtrack by Khidja
Image credits
Stills from ‘Mind, Body, Screen’