Jenny Moore & Chloe Cooper: The Morning After Breakfast Club
People’s Choice Cafe 38 Goswell Rd, Golden Lane Estate, London EC1M 7AA

The Morning After Breakfast Club
Sex Stories hosted by Jenny Moore and Chloe Cooper
Free to attend, you buy your breakfast
In that early hour between the walk of shame and the water cooler, meet us at People’s Choice café for confessions, trips, insights, gossip, spoilers, scoops, lies, jokes and fantasies-cum-reality or the ones that stay imaginary. With special guest storytellers, sex tales will be told and heard. Fry ups, croissants, coffee, diet coke, bloody mary’s – whatever your poison, come and be with us in the waking hour. It’s the morning after and we’re here for you.
With stories by Hannah Witton, Bwalya Newton, Eleanor Sikorski and Jessie McLaughlin. *Special placemat for attendees with text by Sophie Risner.
The Morning After is a breakfast club inspired by Jenny and Chloe’s work with Bedfellows – a group of people making tools to re-educate themselves about sex. Since we are the queer babies of a heterosexist, racist, abelist, classist patriarchy, we’ve gotta find other ways to learn about sex in a way that celebrates all our bodies, all our genders, all our desires.